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A supplement to Wake Forest Magazine

Spring break service

Students spent spring break in New Orleans rebuilding homes, and spending time with victims of Hurricane Katrina. Watch an audio slideshow and read their blog. Then read about alumni who are helping rebuild the city.

Ten sociology students spent spring break in Stephens, Ark., helping high schoolers in this rural community. Find out about their experiences through blogs and personal commentary.

Smiling and frowning face icons

Happy? Melancholy?

Professor of English Eric Wilson, Associate Professor of Psychology William Fleeson and Assistant Professor of Philosophy Christian Miller offer their perspectives on moods, personality and character traits.

Class of ’08: The next Great Generation

More than 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students received diplomas during Graduation Exercises on Hearn Plaza May 19. E.J. Dionne’s remarks, photo galleries, student profiles, honorary degrees, senior orations, programs and more.

Class of the finest: retiring faculty

Wake Forest bids farewell to a quartet of faculty giants in 2008: the world’s foremost scholar of Dante’s Divine Comedy, an artist who helped sculpt the art department, the longtime chair of classical languages, and a physics department stalwart.