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A supplement to Wake Forest Magazine

Lasting legacy

Thomas K. Hearn Jr., who died on Aug. 18, led Wake Forest to national prominence during his 22 years as president, from 1983 to 2005.

Bucking a trend

Wake Forest becomes the first top 30 national university to make the SAT optional for admission. Director of Undergraduate Admissions Martha B. Allman (at left) explains the reasoning, plus.

Elizabeth Phillips, teacher and mentor, dies

Elizabeth Phillips, a venerable professor of Romantic poetry and mentor to generations of Wake Forest women, who served for over thirty years on the English faculty and remained a beloved member of the College community after her retirement, died June 24 at her home near campus. She was eighty-nine.

Faculty News

The latest books written by faculty members and research projects and awards. Get to know faculty members in a weekly Q & A series.

Crosscultural study

Twenty-five undergraduates and three faculty members spent five weeks this summer traveling through Europe for cross-cultural study in computer science, costume history, and art and architectural history.

Kicking off a new era

A new era in Deacon football begins with the opening of Deacon Tower at BB&T Field.

Magazine cover: Thomas Hearn seated
ON THE COVER: Thomas K. Hearn, Jr.