Calling all post-graduate scholarship recipients

At least 100 Wake Forest students and alumni have won prestigious post-graduate scholarships through spring 2008, including 13 Rhodes Scholarships, 42 Fulbright Scholarships, 14 Truman Scholarships, six Goldwater Scholarships, three Marshall Scholarships and three Beinecke Scholarships.
But the exact number of students to win other competitive awards, including Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships, National Science Foundation Scholarships, German Chancellor Scholarships and other major awards is unknown.
If you earned a national or international transportable post-graduate scholarship during or after college, and especially before 2003, please contact Tom Phillips, director of the Wake Forest Scholars program, to confirm that award. This does not include scholarships awarded by and unique to an individual graduate or professional school. Check the list below to see if you’re already listed.
Date of award included after graduation date if different.
In some cases, students listed declined the scholarship to pursue other opportunities.
Rhodes Scholarships
Henry “Harry” Trantham (1905)
Robert Lee Humber (1923)
Richard Chapman (1986)
Maria Merritt (1987)
E. Scott Pretorius (1989)
Robert Esther (1991)
Carolyn Frantz (1994)
Charlotte Opal (1997)
Jennifer Bumgarner (1999)
Jennifer Harris (2003)
Rebecca Cook (2005)
Lakshmi Krishnan (2006)
Michelle Sikes (2007)
British Marshall Scholarships
R. Allan Shoaf (1971)
Allan Trammell (2001)
Blake Brandes (2006)
Luce Scholarships
John Knight (1978, 1984)
Mary Heim (1980, 1985)
Raymond Farrow (1986, 1989)
Rogan Kersh (1986, 1992)
James M. “Jay” Smith (1990, 1995)
Manning Rountree (1994, 1998)
Beinecke Scholarships
(Graduation date listed. All awards made in junior year.)
Stephanie Spellers (1993)
Samuel Kerlin (1997)
Neal Richardson (2004)
Truman Scholarships
(Graduation date listed. All awards made in junior year.)
Jeanne Whitman (1979)
Neil Rector (1980)
Susan Darnell Rector (1981)
Michael Riley (1981)
Edward “Ted” Bilich (1986)
L. Patrick Auld (1992)
Lori V. Fuller (1995)
Megan Reif (1996)
Jennifer Bumgarner (1999)
Jessica Posner (2001)
Lindsey Littlefield (2003)
Jennifer Harris (2004)
Anjali Garg (2005)
Elizabeth “Liz” Lundeen (2007)
Mellon Fellowships
Rogan Kersh (1986, 1987)
Derek Furr (1990)
Shannon Poe-Kennedy (1998)
Goldwater Scholarships
(Graduation date listed. Awards made in sophomore or junior year.)
Alex Crowell (1993)
Cindy Gillikin (2004)
Sarah Hubbard (2004)
Emily Leonhardt (2006)
Christopher Jackson (2008)
J. Patrick Nelli (2009)
National Science Foundation Scholarships
Shannon Poe-Kennedy (1998)
Christian Stevenson (1999)
Paul Thomas (1999)
Kedra Garrison (1999)
Neal Richardson (2004)
Fulbright Scholarships
(Recipient followed by topic and place of study)
Betty Tribble Barnett (1955), France
Betsy Roach (1992), International Relations, Colombia
Van C. Vahle (1993), Political Science, Germany
Brenda K. Blakeburn, Archeology, Israel
Kevin Muse (1995), Psychology, Germany
Joanna Carraway (1996), Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Hungary
Megan Reif (1996), South Asian Politics, Pakistan
E. Chase Coale (1998), International Relations, Germany
Sarah Rackley (2001), Law, El Salvador
Kyle Cutts (2002), ETA*, Germany
Faith Glavey (2002), ETA*, Germany
Catherine “Kate” Gibson (2004), Economics, Germany
Kevin Jones (2005), History, Egypt
Olutoyin “Toyin” Okanlawon (2005), Public Health, Australia
Heather Renwick (2005), Eastern European Studies, Bulgaria
Elisabeth Sheridan (2005), Psychology, Finland
Abhay Aneja (2006), Political Science, Argentina
Lena Benson (2006), ETA*, Germany
Anne Bersagel (2006), Political Science, Norway
Suchi Joshi (MA 2006), Communication, The Netherlands
Kelly Merrifield (2006), ETA*, Germany
Manisha Patel (2006), Medical Science, Germany
Audrey Calkins (2007), ETA*, Spain
Patricia Crawley (2007), Classics, Germany
Sebastian Ehreiser (2007), ETA*, Germany
Sarah Maveety (2007), Biology, Peru
Martina Muller (MA 2007), Biology, The Netherlands
Jennifer Nguyen (2007), ETA*, South Korea
Brooks Sterritt (2007), ETA*, Germany
L. David Willis (2007), ETA*, Argentina
Natalie Bonomo (2005, 2008), Political Science, Jordan
Valerie Brender (2006, 2008), ETA*, Spain
Erica Demarest (2008), ETA*, Germany
Parissa Jahromi (MA 2008), Psychology, The Netherlands
Francis Jones (2008), ETA*, South Korea
Joseph Mauro (2008), ETA*, Hong Kong
Rachael Mongold (2008), ETA*, South Korea
David Nix (2008), Architecture, Japan
Caitlin Patrick (2008), ETA*, Indonesia
William Rothwell (2008), Biology, Australia
David Schoen (2008), ETA*, Germany
Kristen Shepherd (2008), ETA*, Spain
* ETA — English Teaching Assistantship. Other Fulbrights are for graduate study or research.
Jack Kent Cooke Scholarships
Vishak John (2003)
Rostia Najmi (2004, 2007)
Jacob Javits Scholarships
Andrew Estel (2004)
Pickering Fellowships
Elizabeth “Liz” Lundeen (2007)
NIH Partnership Scholarships
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
Kezia McKeague (2005)
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships
Elizabeth Bilyeu (1990, 1992), England
John Whitmire (1997, 2002), New Zealand
Matthew Triplette (2005), New Zealand
Bengt Eric Carlson (2007), Colombia
John Toner (2007), Bolivia
Jonathan Barry (2007), England
Patricia Crawley (2008), Italy
Robert Palmer (2010), Latin America
German Chancellor Scholarships (Alexander von Humboldt)
Seth Brodsky (1997, 2005)